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A particularly steep bit of climbing silenced his companion as well. Yarebrough was the first to discover the landmark. "Is that the black oak?" he asked. "Where?" He pointed above them and a little to the right, to a veteran whose side had been cut by hunters for the discomfiture of a 'coon or 'possum that had taken refuge within. "Yep."

But he saw in the road below him a party of four people on horseback approaching his cabin. Even from his elevation he could recognize Sydney's erect carriage, and the white habit that it pleased Hilda to wear. He rose to his feet. "Think of what I say, boy," he said to Yarebrough. "I am older than you, and God knows I've earned my experience." Bud watched him down the hill.

"You-all remember what Ah said. Ah'll make you sorry you ever married Bud Yarebrough." "What does it mean, Melissa?" asked Sydney, dropping from the saddle and turning her face, now colorless, upon the weeping little wife crouching in a corner of the doorway. "Jus' what you-all heard, Miss Sydney.

He was talking to Melissa Yarebrough, who was within making a fire as a preliminary to her cleaning and cooking operations. "He sent you-all over, did he? Well, Ah 'low that means he's coming along in a little bit. He's been away? Is that so? Ah wonder where. Oh, here he is. How are you, Baron? Pretty day, isn't it? Melissa tells me you-all've been away." "Yes," curtly.