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"Iring" is considered by Wilmanns to have been originally an ancient deity, as the Milky Way is called "Iringe straze" or "Iringi". He occurs in a legend of the fall of the Thuringian kingdom, where he played such a prominent role that the Milky Way was named after him.

The treasure may have entered the saga through the widespread idea of the dragon as the guardian of treasure, or it may represent the beauty of nature which unfolds when the season has conquered. In the last act of the saga, Siegfried's death, Wilmanns, the best exponent of this view, sees again a symbolic representation of a process of nature.

It should therefore be useful, not only to the physician, but also to the legal profession. It will doubtless be used rather as a book of reference than as a readable treatise. VERBRECHERTYPEN. 1 Heft. Geliebtenmorder von Albrecht Wetzel und Karl Wilmanns. Verlag Julius Springer, Berlin: 1913.

Stern mentions that acute stupors are found in this group. Wilmanns examined the records for five years in a prison and discovered that there were two forms of psychotic reaction, a paranoid and a stupor type. It is interesting psychologically that the former appeared largely among prisoners in solitary confinement, while the stupors developed preponderantly among those who were not isolated.

The majority of the patients seem to be between 15 and 25 years of age, so that it is, presumably, a reaction of youthful years. In our experience most cases occur among the lower classes, which agrees with the opinion of Wilmanns who found this tendency among prisoners. This gives a brief description of the deep stupor.

"Forsooth ye should serve well the guests and bear to the lords good cheer and let me bring the tidings to my dear masters." Those that sprang towards him on the steps to show their prowess, he dealt so heavy a sword-stroke, that for fear they must needs stand further back. His mighty strength wrought mickle wonders. A comparative study of them will be found in the works of Wilmanns and Boer.