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Scientific knowledge seems to travel slowly, It was not until the year 1875, more than fourteen years after my discovery of the willow-leaved bridges over the Sun's spots that I understood they had been accepted in America. I learned this from my dear friend William Lassell. His letter was as follows: "I see the Americans are appreciating your solar observations.

Sir John afterwards requested my permission to insert in his Outlines of Astronomy, of which a new edition was about to appear, a representation of "the willow-leaved structure of the Sun's surface," which had been published in the Manchester transactions, to which I gladly gave my assent.

I suppose there can be no doubt as to the reality of the willow-leaved flakes, and in that case they certainly are the most marvellous phenomena that have yet turned up had almost said in all Nature certainly in all Astronomy. "What can they be? Are they huge phosphorised fishes? If so, what monsters!

When fresh out of the water it resembles not a sea-weed so much as a sprig of some willow-leaved shrub, burdened with yellow berries, large and small; for every broken bit of it seems growing, and throwing out ever new berries and leaves or what, for want of a better word, must be called leaves in a sea- weed.

Some good souls helped the men haul, while I did my best to amuse the others by diving headlong from a large rock on to which I had elaborately climbed, into a thick clump of willow-leaved shrubs.

Cashmere, 1839. A slender-branched shrub, having downy shoots, and round, blunt leaves, flowering in July. S. SALICIFOLIA. Willow-leaved Spiraea. Europe, and naturalised in Britain. An erect-growing, densely-branched shrub, with smooth shoots, which spring usually directly from the ground. Leaves large, lanceolate, smooth, doubly serrated, and produced plentifully.