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"W'ot's wicey wersa, Mr Wright?" "Oh, it means the terms being changed turned the other way, you know back to the front, as it were in short, I mean the battery being in America and the bit of iron in Ireland." "Well, well, who'd a thought there was so much in wicey wersa; but go on, Mr Wright."

'Why, yes that's to say, near his dad. The fact is, continued he, 'I've a little independence of my own, dropping a heavy five-shilling piece as he said it, and his father old Bo, as I call him adjoins me; and if either of us 'appen to have a battue, or a 'aunch of wenzun, and a few friends, we inwite each other, and wicey wersey, you know, letting off a lot of shillings and sixpences.

Dis yer boy Lone Axylone, Marse Desmit called him, but we calls him Lone for short he's gwine on fo'; dis yer gal Wicey, she's two past; and dis little brack cuss Lugena's a-holdin' on, we call Cap'n, kase he bosses all on us he's nigh 'bout a year; an' dat's all."

But from Sweden the answer that came was one ordering me to persevere in the proposal of first finishing the Didactics; backed by saws to this effect: 'One would rather the better, but the earlier must be done first, 'One doesn't go from the bigger to the smaller, but wicey warsey, and all the rest of it.

Bozzle, I look to you to see that none of them learn our retreat." "As for that, Mr. Trewillian, why facts is to be come at by one party pretty well as much as by another. Now, suppose the things was changed, wicey warsey, and as I was hacting for the Colonel's party." "D the Colonel!" exclaimed Trevelyan. "Just so, Mr.