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They worship the vulgar, the pretentious, the false. Here they will most of them pester their husbands to vote for Welwyn-Baker just because they hate change with the hatred of weak fear.

"The waverers can hardly doubt between Tobias Liversedge and Hugh Welwyn-Baker." "Bear in mind," rang Mr. Chown's brassy voice, "that it's by no means certain Liversedge is to be our candidate. I am in a position to assure you that many of our most reliable men are not at all satisfied with that choice not at all satisfied.

He wants me to stand for Polterham at the next election." "You? In place of Welwyn-Baker?" "No; as Liberal candidate; or Radical, if you like." "You're joking, I suppose!" "Where's the impossibility?" Their eyes met. "There's no absurdity," said William, "in your standing for Parliament; au contraire. But I can't imagine you on the Radical side. And I don't see the necessity of that.

Ostensibly it remained non-political: a library, reading-room and lecture-hall, for the benefit of all the townsfolk; but by a subtle process the executive authority had passed into the hands of new men with new ideas. A mere enumeration of the committee sufficed to frighten away all who held by Church, State, and Mr. Welwyn-Baker: the Institute was no longer an Institute, but a "hot-bed."

And to think that we might have put new life into the party! Bah!" Conservative canvassers did not fail to make use of thee fact that Mr. Welwyn-Baker had always been regardful of the poor. His alms-houses were so pleasantly situated and so tastefully designed that many Polterham people wished they were for lease on ordinary terms.

But no; it is not merely to quench a natural thirst that Mr. Quarrier has recourse to those pestilent vendors of poison; the drinking of strong liquor has become a tyrant-habit with him." "I deny it, Mr. Vialls!" exclaimed the girl, almost angrily. Welwyn-Baker himself!" This was laying a hand upon the Ark. Mrs. Mumbray gave a little scream, and several "Oh's!" were heard. Mr.