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Medart winced, aware of how much that would distress any warriors'-woman. "I'm not in that bad a shape I've seen some who were, remember? What I'm going through is no fun, but I think I can hold out long enough." "I pray to all the gods you're right." By the end of the next week, Medart was praying too, to all the gods he could recall from his childhood.

"Good afternoon, Dana," the w'woman said. "I am Mona, a warriors'-woman of Clan Lewies and your doctor. How do you feel?" "Better than I would've thought possible when the warrior Garvey found me," Dana said. "Thanks for everything you've done for me." "My pleasure," the w'woman said.

He'd been lucky enough not to get caught in such a situation during his active career; maybe that luck would hold long enough for him to get out of this one. "Nevan!" The happy voice from behind him made it all too clear his luck had changed. He turned and bowed respectfully to the approaching warriors'-woman in Imperial Marine service black. "Good day, Lady Morna. You're looking well."

The warriors'-woman nodded once, sharply. "Still, if he wants it, he is entitled to prove his honesty. I'll support his defenses if necessary, and have a healing spell ready if his condition gets critical." "Good. As soon as you're ready, then, I'll boost the power." Kelly took position behind the man, resting her hands on his shoulders. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, then opened them.

Her next awareness was that she was blissfully free of pain, and she spent several minutes enjoying something she had taken for granted before. Then she heard the room's door open and stirred herself to look toward it. The one who came in was a Sandeman, a warriors'-woman from the gold-gemmed ring she wore; Dana inclined her head in the closest she could come to a bow.