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So, when the war-shout peals i’ the noon o’ night, Rousing the sleepers fearful, in ecstacy When slaves avenge their wrongs, arising Strong i’ the name o’ liberty new born, When fury spares not beauty nor innocence, First flame the grandest domes. I’ the massacre, First fall the noblest. Lowly virtue Haply the shade o’ poverty defends. Forge then the broad sword.

But presently she spread out her hands again and they held their peace, and she said: "I see, O Wolfing women, and many a thing I see, But not all things, O elders, this eve shall ye learn of me, For another mouth there cometh: the thicket I behold And the Sons of Tyr amidst it, and I see the oak-trees old, And the war-shout ringing round them; and I see the battle-lord Unhelmed amidst of the mighty; and I see his leaping sword; Strokes struck and warriors falling, and the streaks of spears I see, But hereof shall the other tell you who speaketh after me.

George!", Cromwell's war-shout, which was a prayer, at Dunbar, "The Lord of Hosts! The Lord of Hosts!" these await our answer, that response which by this war we at last send ringing down the ages, "God for Britain, Justice and Freedom to the world!"

With all their indifference to human suffering, with all their brutality, their savagery, the slavers are as brave as any. They are indeed men picked for their desperate courage, and now, standing back to back, they begin to render the victory of the Ba-gcatya a dearly bought one indeed. The war-shout no longer rends the air.

At last shadowy forms began to emerge from the obscurity of the deep river-bed, and on the landing-places opposite the river-gates scattered clusters of men grew into solid columns the undefended gateways were seized a war-shout was raised the alarm was taken and spread and swift runners started off to "show the King of Babylon that his city was taken at one end."

Neither 'mid chieftains again to the honour-conferring assembly, Nor to the battle he came; but his heart was consuming in fierceness, There where he rested aloof, for he yearn'd for the charge and the war-shout.