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It was on the Derby, he himself having bet that the Prince of Wale's horse would win. 'Your grandfather, dear lad, he repeated, 'but you'll find no bets of mine with your father. He didn't inherit that strain, but your grandfather and your great-grandfather had it sportsmen both, afraid of nothing, with big minds, great eyes for seeing, and a sense for a winner almost uncanny.

A wicked wite man's bad snuff, dur Lord nose! but dey so dam wite, an so kussed sarcy, day doun no no better, so dar's some appolleragee fur 'em; but I gin yer for th noe as how, a wicked nigger can nibber scape frum de vengence ob de Lord-day's no use playin possum any more dan day was ob Joner coorin it into de wale's belly! I tink I see you look round. Yer's better! Fer wot I tells yer's trufe!

It was on the Derby, he himself having bet that the Prince of Wale's horse would win. 'Your grandfather, dear lad, he repeated, 'but you'll find no bets of mine with your father. He didn't inherit that strain, but your grandfather and your great-grandfather had it sportsmen both, afraid of nothing, with big minds, great eyes for seeing, and a sense for a winner almost uncanny.

An article appeared in an American newspaper telling how the appearance of the world's greatest spender startled London by blazing her way into the Prince of Wale's box in Albert Hall a literal walking diamond mine. Her costume, which contained more than seventy- five thousand diamonds and pearls, was insured for five million dollars.