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Updated: December 27, 2024
"I's didn't hurt de bunny wabbit," said Trouble earnestly. "I's only make-be'ieve shoot him bang!" "I know you didn't hurt the bunny," observed Jan. "But you've hurt grandma's soda. Is there any left, Ted?" she asked, as her brother got out of the wagon to pick up the broken package. "A little," he answered. "There's some in the bottom. I guess we'll go back to the store and get more.
Babe protested sleepily, lifting her head from his shoulder and spatting him reprovingly on the cheek. "You're my bes' friend and you've got a lots more sense than a wabbit!" "And your rainbow, Casey Ryan?" the Little Woman asked softly. "What about this other, new rainbow?" "It's there," said Casey gloomily. "It'll always be there jest over the ridge ahead uh me.
"Where are you going, Cousin Derry?" "Down town." "To-day is Margaret-Mary's birf-day. I am going to give her a wabbit ." "Rabbit, Buster. You'd better say it quick. Nurse is on the way." "Rab-yit. What are you going to give her?" "Oh, must I give her something?" "Of course. Mother said you'd forget it. I wanted to telephone, and she wouldn't let me." "Would a doll do?" "I shouldn't like a doll.
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