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With regard to its medical virtues, it powerfully stimulates the solids, and attenuates viscid juices; and by these qualities promotes expectoration, urine, and perspiration: if the dose is considerable, it proves emetic, and sometimes purgative. The principal use of this medicine is where the primae viae abound with mucous matter, and the lungs are oppressed by tenacious phlegm.

He became familiar with 'viae dolorosae' painted at reduced prices, with male and female saints at so much per gross, even with 'pounced' shop blinds in short, all the ignoble jobs that degrade painting and make it so much idiotic delineation, lacking even the charm of naivete.

Sagittarius. "Quite impossible. You must get to work to-night, and how can you do it without your directions?" "Oh, I can manage all right," said the Prophet, desperately. "I can give a guess as to " "Non sunt ad astrae mollibus a terrus viae!" cried Madame. "The road from Berkeley square to the stars is not so easy, is it, Jupiter?" "No indeed, my love. Why "

Set off on the under side of the corona, vertically over the triglyphs and over the middle of the metopes, are the viae in straight lines and the guttae arranged in rows, six guttae broad and three deep. Just at the edge of the corona a line should be cut in, called the scotia.

We improved the moments of reflection to have lunch. While we were still discussing viae and viands, and had nearly come to the end of both, we suddenly spied a string of men defiling slowly down through the wide boulder desert on the other side. We all rose and hailed them.