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Peter supposed that he owed this only to the accident of Urquhart's presence, since this young man seemed to go about the world ignoring everyone who did not please his fastidious fancy, and Peter could not hope that he had done that. Peter looked after Vyvian's retreating figure. He could detect injured pride in his back. He got up and brushed the sand from him.

Man of fashion as he was, with that keen eye for style and the mode, it may well be that Urquhart's interest in her was a kind of cachet. A hall-mark! However that may be, James looked at her more curiously during that July than he had done since he saw her first in the garden of Drem House. Yes, Lucy was pretty; more than that, she had charm. He saw it now.

The doctor was puzzled still. "But that's Urquhart's business, not yours. It wasn't your fault, you know." "Please," said Peter from the bed. "Do you mind?" The doctor looked and saw feverish blue lamps alight in a pale face, and soothingly said he did not mind. "Your shoulder, no one else's, isn't it?" he admitted.

"Don't he want to dine as much as we do?" said James. "He doesn't want to break his neck," said Urquhart; "that's his little weakness." "I sympathise with him," James said; "but I should like to know more before I turn back." "You'll only know what he chooses to tell you," Urquhart answered. Lingen was sitting on the snow. The guide came back with firm steps. His eyes sought Urquhart's naturally.

It'd never do" Mrs Urquhart's voice had, subtly changed, and something in it made the blood rise to the cheeks of the listeners "it'd never do to put her into an ordinary bush-house, where often she couldn't get servants for love or money, because of the dull life, and might have to cook for station hands herself, and even do the washing at a pinch "

He thought that Urquhart had certainly been with Lucy; he knew that he was in love with her; but oddly enough that stimulated instead of quelled him. It enhanced her. It made her love worth keeping. He had a great respect, in his heart of hearts, for Urquhart's validity in a world of action which certainly comprehended the taking and keeping of hearts.