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With regard to the last case it is to be remarked that though the gonad on the right side was entirely male, there was no unilateral development of male characters.

Nuclear proliferation would raise the spectre of the use of nuclear explosives in crucial, unstable regions of the world endangering not only our security and that of our Allies, but that of the whole world. Non-proliferation is not and can not be a unilateral U.S. policy, nor should it be an issue of contention between the industrialized and developing states.

If, as is claimed, it is some diversion from or fortification against corrosive sensuality, it has generally allied itself with excessive beer-drinking. Fencing, while an art susceptible of high development and valuable for both pose and poise, and requiring great quickness of eye, arm, and wrist, is unilateral and robbed of the vest of inflicting real pain on an antagonist.

This is a unilateral view of the social contract, and omits the element of reciprocity which in Rousseau's idea was cardinal. Locke was Rousseau's most immediate inspirer, and the latter affirmed himself to have treated the same matters exactly on Locke's principles. Rousseau, however, exaggerated Locke's politics as greatly as Condillac exaggerated his metaphysics.

On the other hand, game animals often escape after such injuries not directly involving the brain, although temporarily rendered unconscious, as I have observed in several instances, the diagnosis undoubtedly being concussion of the brain. "Slight injury to the brain, and especially if it be unilateral, then, may not produce unconsciousness.

Elliotson mentions sweat from the left half of the body and the left extremities only. Lewis reports a case of unilateral perspiration with an excess of temperature of 3.5 degrees F. in the axilla of the perspiring side. Mills, White, Dow, and Duncan also cite instances of unilateral perspiration.

That disarmament was agreed to by all nations was a matter of days only from the parallel but unilateral decisions of both Russia and the United States, that disarmament must be accomplished while there was yet time.

Monetary unions which did not follow the path of fiscal rectitude are no longer with us. Their absence is a threat to the continued existence of any union. Unilateral transfers from rich areas to poor are a partial and short-lived remedy. Transfers also call for a clear and consistent fiscal policy regarding taxation and expenditures.

A string of unilateral dictates by the French-German duo to the rest of the EU regarding farm subsidies and Europe's constitution, for instance made EU veterans and newcomers alike edgy. Hence the deliberate public snub.

The injury is usually unilateral, it occurs with almost equal frequency in breech and in vertex presentations, and the left arm is more often affected than the right. The lesion is seldom recognised at birth. The first symptom noticed is tenderness in the supra-clavicular region, the child crying when this part is touched or the arm is moved.