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His banners in haughty procession shall ride, On Jehovah's proud altars unfurl'd! While anthems and priests waft to heaven his praise, For the slaughter and wreck of a world!

"And tyranny has wide unfurl'd Her blood-stain'd banner in the sky." At the end of each verse their voices sank for a moment into silence. The strain was then again renewed, loud and sonorous. On arriving at the scaffold, they all embraced in one long, last adieu. It was a token of their communion in death as in life. They then, in concert, loudly and firmly resumed their funereal chant.

'Hurrah for Vermont! for the land which we till Will have some to defend her from valley and hill; Leave the harvest to rot on the field where it grows, And the reaping of wheat for the reaping of foes. 'Come Mexico, England! come tyrant, come knave, If you rule o'er our land, ye shall rule o'er our grave! Our vow is recorded our banner unfurl'd, In the name of Vermont, we defy all the world!"

Robert Montgomery attaches no idea whatever: "Yes I pause and think, within one fleeting hour, How vast a universe obeys Thy power; Unseen, but felt, Thine interfused control Works in each atom, and pervades the whole; Expands the blossom, and erects the tree, Conducts each vapour, and commands each sea, Beams in each ray, bids whirlwinds be unfurl'd, Unrols the thunder, and upheaves a world!"

"Allons, enfans de la patrie, Le jour de glorie est arrivé, Contre nous de la tyrannie L'étendard sanglant est levé. "Come! children of your country, come! The day of glory dawns on high, And tyranny has wide unfurl'd Her blood-stain'd banner in the sky." It was their death-knell.