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"That's what he does when he goes courtin'. Only there won't be no courtin' for him this time. 'Is mate died yesterday." "And yet he dances," Winny said. "And yet he dances. Heartless bird!" said Ranny. They looked at the Emu, who went on dancing as if unobserved. "Scandalous, I call it," Ranny said. "Unfeelin'." "Perhaps," said Winny, "the poor thing doesn't know."

There's a few pounds too in the savings bank I don't know if she'd be able to get 'em out or not." "Well, I never heerd such a tale. That maid must be a reg'lar Jezebel, Betty, that's what she must be. That hard-hearted, unfeelin' Lard ha' mercy me! Well, well, well!"

If I was er as you might say, first mate of all creation I'd put some church folks in jail and a good many jail folks in church. Seems's if the swap would be a help to both sides. . . . I I hope you don't think I'm er unfeelin', jokin', when you're in such worry and trouble," he added, anxiously. "I didn't mean it." His anxiety was wasted.

I consider you've behaved most heartless an' unfeelin' in comin' here to try an' make mischief between man an' wife. I thank the Lard," she added piously, "as I need never ha' no more to do with you. Walk out o' my house, if ye please " "Your house," interpolated Sam, a note of astonished query perceptible in his tone despite its sulkiness. "'E-es," said Jenny firmly.