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"'Gentlemen, said Bill, 'there must be some little, some slight mistake respecting the that is, you must have been misinformed about the the er er Why, there are no twins about this house. "Then they thought he was joking, and the band broke in with 'Listen to the Mocking-bird, and Bill came down to find out the drift of Judge Twiddler's remarks.

Spooner, Judge Twiddler's nephew, left college, he made up his mind to enter the ministry and become a missionary. One day he met Captain Hubbs; and when he mentioned that he thought of going out as a missionary, Captain Hubbs asked him, "Where are you going?" S. "To the Navigator Islands. I sail in October." Capt. "Pore young man! Pore young man! It is too bad too bad indeed!

All they want is enough socks and trousers. I'll take them when I go out again." Then the Dorcas passed a resolution declaring that it would, perhaps, be better to let the heathen go naked and give the clothes to the poor at home. Maybe that is the better way. For several months previous to last summer Judge Twiddler's family obtained milk from Mr.

But it was not a cheering noise; it reminded me forcibly of the groans uttered by Butterwick's horse when it was dying last November. The harder I blew, the more mournful became the noise, and that was the only note I could get. When I went down to supper, Mrs. A. asked me if I heard that awful groaning. She said she guessed it came from Twiddler's cow, for she heard Mrs.

While there something about Judge Twiddler's boy seemed to exasperate her; and when he came over into the yard after his ball, she inserted her horns into his trowsers and flung him across the fence. Then she went to the stable and ate a litter of pups and three feet of the trace-chain. The judge felt certain that her former owner didn't deceive him when he said her appetite was good.

During the night she must have got to walking in her sleep, for she climbed over the fence; and when she was discovered, she was swallowing one of Mrs. Twiddler's hoopskirts. That evening she ran dry and didn't give any milk at all. The judge thought the exercise she had taken must have been too severe, and probably the hoopskirt was not sufficiently nutritious.