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'If I were a Christian, she said, in a low tone, 'I should want to get as high up as I could. When they reached Tryphosa's, they heard her singing. They waited, listening. 'Here brief is the sighing, And brief is the crying, For brief is the life! The life there is endless, The joy there is endless, And ended the strife. O country the fairest! Our country the dearest, We press toward thee!

Her father grew daily more childish, and needed more constant watching, but she found time to read to Polly many a snatch from her favourite authors, and Tryphosa's Bible lay always open near her hand. At last the day came when, in the full noontide, her father had called to her in his weak voice, 'It's gettin' dark, Pawliney, and Lemuel's not come home.

It has haunted me through everything, and I gave myself to the King last night. Tryphosa's eyes glowed deep with pleasure. 'Thank God! she exclaimed softly. Then she closed her eyes, and Pauline knew from her moving lips that she was talking with the Lord. She touched Pauline gently. 'I had to talk a little about the good news with Jesus. He is my nearest neighbour, you know.

Belle broke the silence. 'We heard you singing, my lady; I do not think Pauline had thought you would have the heart to sing. A ripple of the sweetest laughter Pauline had ever heard fell through the quiet room, and Tryphosa's eyes flashed merrily. "The pilgrims kept on their journey, and as they journeyed they sang," she said.