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Now let them drynke, tyll they nod and winke, Even as goode fellowes sholde doe, They shall not mysse to have the blisse, Good ale doth bring men to; And all poore soules that have scowred bowles, Or have them lustily trolde, God save the lyves of them and their wives, Whether they be yonge or olde. Chorus. Backe and syde go bare, go bare, etc.

They pointed; others stopped and stared; one shell turned and sped up a runway and quickly over the other side of the bridge came a score of men. They were dwarfed none of them more than five feet high, prodigiously broad of shoulder, clearly enormously powerful. "Trolde!" muttered Olaf, stepping beside O'Keefe, pistol swinging free in his hand.

"And the next day I wrestled with a great dwarf named Tahola, mightier far than Valdor. Him I threw after a long, long time, and his back also I broke. Again Lugur was pleased. And again we sat at table, he and the Russian and I. This time they spoke of something these Trolde have which opens up a Svaelc abysses into which all in its range drops up into the sky!" "What!" I exclaimed.

"The red Trolde asked the Russian how came it he was a worshipper of Thanaroa." I could not resist a swift glance of triumph toward O'Keefe. "And the Russian," rumbled Olaf, "said that all his people worshipped Thanaroa and had fought against the other nations that denied him. "And then we had come to Lugur's palace.