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The street seemed deserted except for this group, although now I could hear distant shouting on every side of me, and the monotonous clap-clap-clap-clap of a machine-gun. I heard him say, "Tovaristchi! now is your time! Don't hesitate in the sacred cause of freedom! As our brethren did in the famous days of the French Revolution, so must we do now. All the Army is coming over to our side.

"There's Boris!" I was afraid that she would do something violent. "Wait!" I whispered, "perhaps Nina is here somewhere." Grogoff was standing with another man on a small improvised platform just outside the gates of the Bourse. I caught some of Grogoff's sentences: "Tovaristchi!" I heard him cry, "Comrades! Listen to me. Don't allow your feelings to carry you away!

I wanted to hold the sun and the snow and the people all in my arms fixed so that it should never change, and the world should see how good and innocent life could be. "On every side people had asked what had really happened, and of course no one knew. But it did not matter. Every one was so simple. A soldier, standing beside one of the placards was shouting: 'Tovaristchi!

The Preobrojenski have come over to us and have arrested their officers and taken their arms. We must finish with Protopopoff and our other tyrants, and see that we have a just rule. Tovaristchi! there will never be such a chance again, and you will repent for ever if you have not played your part in the great fight for freedom!" So it went on.

Once Rodziancko came in and began shouting, 'Tovaristchi! Tovaristchi!... but his voice soon gave away, and he went back into the Salle Catherine again. The Socialists had it their way. There were so many, and their voices were so fresh and the soldiers liked to listen to them. 'Land for everybody! they shouted. 'And Bread and Peace! Hurrah! Hurrah! cried the soldiers.