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The leader started to throw a sharp spear at Captain Cromwell, when Bob rushed in and, with one well-directed blow of his gun, laid the man on his back. A fierce shout went up and a struggle ensued. But the fall of their leader had demoralized the Svlachkys, and when half a dozen guns and pistols had been fired at them they fled in dismay.

"We came in search of you, father," replied Bob. Father and son embraced warmly. Then Captain Cromwell turned swiftly. "We must fly! The Svlachkys are coming! I just escaped from them." He had just uttered the words when the crowd of strange people came down upon them.

Hardly had the idea occurred to him than Captain Sumner set up a shout. He was pointing to a post set up in the ice. To the top of the post was attached a rude sign, which read: "To the Svlachkys' Camp One Mile." "Hurrah! here's a discovery!" cried Bob. "Shall we go on?" "Yes; but let us advance with extreme caution. These Svlachkys may be very bad people."

"Yes, mother. From what I can make out, father is there, a prisoner of some people called the Svlachkys, and all on account of a wonderful stone chest, said to be filled with gold and silver." "It cannot be true, Bob." "I think it is. This dead sailor's name was Ruel Gross " "Ruel Gross!" Mrs. Cromwell started. "I heard of him before. Your father said he possessed a wonderful secret."

A light snow had fallen, and all former tracks had been obliterated. In vain they looked about for some trace of the Svlachkys. "Let us go on an exploring tour," suggested the captain, seeing how badly Bob felt. They started off first for the far end of the cavern. They had gone scarcely a dozen rods when the captain called a halt. "Someone is coming!" he whispered.

In brief, it was as follows: When the Bluebell went down, he and Ruel Gross escaped on a raft, and after several days of suffering, reached the coast of Siberia. From there they set out for Cedar Island. The island gained, they found the stone chest, and then Captain Cromwell was captured. For a long while the Svlachkys held him, thinking he knew of more treasures than those already discovered.