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He kept his hand in his pocket till he came close up to the gate, when, suddenly drawing it out, he said: 'Oh, hang it! I've left my purse at home! Never mind, drive on, said he to his host; exclaiming to the man, 'it's Mr. Crowdey's carriage Mr. Jogglebury Crowdey's carriage! Mr. Crowdey, the chairman of the Stir-it-stiff Poor-Law Union!

Mistress Jogglebury Crowdey, replied the pertinacious Jog, with another heavy snort. 'Ah, now you're coming your fine poor-law guardian knowledge, rejoined his wife. Jog was chairman of the Stir-it-stiff Union. While this was going on, young hopeful was sitting cocked up in his high chair, evidently mortified at the want of attention. Mrs.

'The charman's gone, replied the boy, who looked upon his master the chairman of the Stir-it-stiff Union as the impersonification of all earthly greatness. 'Dash your impittance, growled Jog, slinking back into the nursery; 'I'll pay you off! Gustavus James's internal qualms being at length appeased, Mr. Jogglebury Crowdey returned to bed, but not to sleep sleep there was none for him.

What veneration, what respect, could a servant feel for a master whom he heard called 'Old bellows-to-mend'? It damaged the respect inspired by the chairmanship of the Stir-it-stiff Union, to say nothing of the trusteeship of the Sloppyhocks, Tolpuddle, and other turnpike-roads. It annihilated everything. So he fumed, and fretted, and snorted, and snored.