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For Mary, Queen of Scots, see the histories of Scotland mentioned above and also Andrew Lang, The Mystery of Mary Stuart ; P. H. Brown, Scotland in the Time of Queen Mary ; and R. S. Rait, Mary Queen of Scots, 2d ed. , containing important source-material concerning Mary. Walter Walsh, The Jesuits in Great Britain , emphasizes their political opposition to Elizabeth.

We should have the story of the Forty-seven Ronin, not a Japanese stage version, but a work from the source-material. We should have legends of the various clans, picturizations of the code of the Samurai. The Typhoon is largely indoors. But the Patriotic Motion Picture is generally a landscape. This is for deeper reasons than that it requires large fields in which to manoeuvre armies.

W. M. Sloane, The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, rev. and enlarged ed., 4 vols. , confined largely to the personal history of Napoleon, with special reference to his earlier years, based upon source-material, and profusely illustrated. J. C. Ropes, The First Napoleon , a military and political outline by an authority on several of the great campaigns of the emperor.

The Ministry of Education had a little to offer; historical scholarship was still active, at least. He was reading about a new trove of source-material that had come to light on Uller, from the Sixth Century Atomic Era, when the door screen buzzed and flashed. He lit it, and his son Rodrik appeared in it, with Snooks, the little red hound, squirming excitedly in the Crown Prince's arms.

I, Portugal et Espagne , and Vol. II, Neerlande et Danemark, 17e et 18e siecle ; Alfred Zimmermann, Die europaischen Kolonien, the main German treatise, in 5 vols. Much illustrative source-material is available in the publications of the Hakluyt Society, Old Series, 100 vols.

I , Eng. trans. by J. R. McKee , based in part on use of source-material in the Vatican Library; Martin Hume, Treason and Plot , deals with the struggles of the Roman Catholics for supremacy in the reign of Elizabeth; E. L. Taunton, The History of the Jesuits in England, 1580-1773 ; Richard Simpson, Life of Campion , an account of a devoted Jesuit who suffered martyrdom under Elizabeth; Champlin Burrage, The Early English Dissenters in the Light of Recent Research, 1550-1641, 2 vols. .