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One of those belts of woodland crossed our track about two hundred yards ahead; we crashed into this over a gap in the snake-fence; but the barrier on the further side was high and intact.

I see that a bear has been over into the maize-field last night." "What! did he climb the snake-fence?" "Yes, sir, they climb any thing; but I have got his tracks, and this night I think that I shall get hold of him, for I shall lay a trap for him." Malachi and Alfred continued to work for two or three hours, when they were summoned by Emma to go in to dinner.

It had been almost a lost hope, but as the day wore on the torrent lessened, the rough barrier held they were successful! The gate and snake-fence were carried away, but the rest was saved! In the strenuous labour, in the dangerous isolation, the ordinary things of life lost their importance.

The rails for the snake-fence had also been split, and the fence was almost complete round the whole of the prairie and cleared land, when it was time for the grass to be cut down and the hay made and gathered up.

"Yet you seem to prefer a great diamond gleaming in a white shirt-front, and a coarse, common face, and vulgar talk. "You," and he turned to her, "whose beauty is like the beauty of nature itself, perfect and ineffable. When I think of you and that coarse brute together, I shall always remember this moonlight and the hateful zig-zagging snake-fence there that disfigures and defiles its beauty."