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Her ideal home was one that had been immemorially a palace and a show-place, with troops of servants to show the troops of tourists through. "All these places around here are nice enough," she acknowledged, "but new. That one over there, now." She pointed across the lake to the roofs and gables of a large country-seat set on a wooded hill-top.

He has a lovely house in the mountains of North Carolina, and wants me to go there; but it's a show-place, with rich homes all round, and I know I'd soon be in a social whirl. I thought of the camp in the Adirondacks. It would be glorious to see the real woods in winter; but I lose my nerve when I think of the cold I was brought up in a warm place."

Shrewsbury is described by an English writer as a "sweet-aired, genuine, dignified and proud old market town, the resort of squires, parsons and farmers, and mainly inhabited by those who minister to their wants. It never dreams of itself as a show-place."

Ambrose merely bowed to her and led the way out of the room and out of the house. "Thank God, that is over!" he murmured outside. Crossing the square, they entered the store. It was the first time Ambrose had been inside that famous show-place of the north, but he had no eyes for it now. Gordon Strange welcomed them with smiling heartiness. "Come in!

The Servisses lived for forty years at the corner of Corlear Square, but four years ago a big apartment hotel rose next door, shutting off our light, and we had to move. Hence our acrimony. The city grows more and more a show-place, wherein the prodigal American may buy the pleasure he thinks commensurate.