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Updated: November 17, 2024

'Because we see they have no sex-pride. If they had, they couldn't do the things they do. 'What sort of things? 'Oh, I can't go into that. She stood up and tugged at her wrinkled cotton gloves. 'But it's easy for us to see they're sexless. She seemed to resent the unbelief in the opposite face. 'Lady Caterham sent for me the other day. You may have heard of Lady Caterham.

As these ladies described them the conditions were of the exacting sort which Cornelia's nature craved, and she had her sex-pride in the Synthesis, too, because she had read that women had borne an important part in founding it; the strictest technical training and the freest spirit of artistic endeavor prevailed in a school that owed its existence so largely to them.

All our indignation to the contrary, we prefer the complicated and difficult: we enjoy our buttons; we are withheld only by our queer sex-pride from wearing garments that button up in the back indeed, on what we frankly call our 'best clothes, we have the buttons though we dare not button with them.

We'll get them yet, I betchu!" All of Honey's sex-pride flared in this buoyant assurance. It had apparently not yet occurred to him that he would not conquer Lulu in the end and conquer her by merely submitting to her wooing of him. And in the meantime, the voiceless tete-a-teteing of the five couples continued.

Oh, they have no sex-pride, those upper-class women! 'Lady Caterham probably didn't understand. 'Perfectly. She asked questions. No, it just didn't matter much to her that a woman should suffer that sort of thing. She didn't feel the indignity of it. Perhaps if it had come to her, she wouldn't have suffered, said the critic, with a grim contempt.

It was that he might bring these things to the girl. He knew that it was sex-pride that restrained the impulse that was pounding in every vein of her body. She wanted to fling herself down on her knees beside that pile of stuff but she remembered HIM! Her eyes met his, and the shame of her confession swept in a crimson flood into her face.

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