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But, my dear, good woman oh, I suppose I oughtn't to call you that." "I don't care what you call me, if you can tell me how to make a seventeen-fifty suit look like Vogue. Isn't it awful, Miss Joline, that us lower classes are interested in clothes, too?" "My dear girl, even the beautiful, the accomplished Beatrice Joline I'll admit it knows when she is being teased.

"Did you hear that? There! It's seventeen hundred now it's seventeen-fifty! Whew!" I echoed the exclamation. "Oh, why haven't I got ten thousand shares?" he groaned. "Who is getting them?" "Knapp got the last lot. O-oh, look there! Did you ever see the like of that?" I looked.

"Sixteen," said Dick at last, feeling more desperate inwardly than his face showed. "Sixteen-fifty," from Ripley. "Seventeen," offered Dick, after a pause. "Seventeen-fifty," announced Fred, after another long bait. "Eighteen!" followed up young Prescott. He was in a cold perspiration now, lest the fight be forced too far.

"Let's get down to cases," the cowpuncher continued. "I kind of got the Greaser into this here jack-pot an' it's up to me to get him out. He lays four bits on the thirteen she pays thirty-five that's seventeen-fifty. Eighteen, as she lays. The blame fool leaves it lay an' she win again that's thirty-five times eighteen. Good Lord! An' without no pencil an' paper!

"What I don't know about metallurgy would fill a library, and I'm probably the world's worst chemist. However, by a series of successive liquations, I hope to separate out fractions that I can use. Platinum melts somewhere around seventeen-fifty, tantalum about twenty-nine hundred, and tungsten not until 'way up around thirty-three, or four hundred and that, by the way, means lots of grief.