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While there prevailed the passing tumult occasioned by those who crowded one another to get into the greenroom and felicitate the actresses and by those who were going to make calls on the ladies in the boxes, some expressed their opinions of the play and the players. "Undoubtedly, Serpolette is the best," said one with a knowing air. "I prefer Germaine, she's an ideal blonde."

At length the first act was concluded, the marquis taking away as servants Serpolette and Germaine, the representative of timid beauty in the troupe, and for coachman the stupid Grenicheux.

'No; she's my wife. 'I beg your pardon, old chap; you know I didn't mean it; and the man disappeared into the bar-room. 'Yes, I'm his wife, Kate shrieked after him. 'I got that much right out of him at least; and I played the Serpolette in the Cloches. "Look at me here, look at me there," she sang, flirting with her abominable skirt, amused by the applause of the roughs.

Over the counter she related her successes as Clairette in Madame Angot and Serpolette in Les Cloches de Corneville, and if an incredulous look came into the faces of her guests she sang to them the little ditties, proving by her knowledge of them that all she told them was true.

Your kind indulgence is therefore requested for Miss D'Arcy, who has, on the shortest notice, consented to play the part of Serpolette. 'Did yer ever 'ear of anyone spraining an ankle on purpose? asked a scene-shifter. 'Hush! said the gas-man, 'he'll 'ear you. Amid murmurs of applause, Mr. Hayes backed into the wings. 'Well, was it all right? he asked Dick.

Serpolette was surrounded by two gallant officers, a sailor, and a lawyer, when she caught sight of him moving about, sticking the tip of his long nose into all the nooks and corners, as though with it he were ferreting out all the mysteries of the stage.