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Secunda ab hac Diospolis, sive Thebae cognomine Agyptia; quas centum portas habuisse ferunt; sive, at alii ajunt, centum aulas, totidem olim Principum domos; solitasque singulas, ubi negotium exegerat, ducenos armatos milites effundere. Deinde Memphis, regia quondam: juxta quam pyramides, regum sepulchra.

The beautiful poem of Ovid de Consolatione ad Liviam, written after the ashes of Augustus and his nephew Marcellus, of Germanicus, Agrippa, and Drusus, were deposited in this mausoleum, concludes with these lines, which are extremely tender: Claudite jam Parcae nimium reserata sepulchra; Claudite, plus justo, jam domus ista patet! Ah! shut these yawning Tombs, ye sister Fates!

Still we say Orcivii, and Matones and Otones, Coepiones, sepulchra, coronas, lacrymas, because that pronunciation is always sanctioned by the judgment of our ears. Ennius always used Burrum, never Pyrrhum: he says, "Vi patefecerunt Bruges;" not Phryges; and so the old copies of his poems prove, for they had no Greek letters in them.

"Nihilne ad te de judicio armûm accidit?" instead of armorum. And I actually never by any chance say duorum virorum judicium, or triumvirorum capitalium, or decemvirorum litibus judicandis. And Attius said "Video sepulchra dua duorum corporam." And at another time he has said, "Mulier una duûm virûm."

a licence which is not customary in all neuters indifferently: for I should not be so willing to say armum judicium, as armorum; though in the same writer we meet with nihilne ad te de judicio armum accidit? But I would never say duorum virorum judicium, or trium virorum capitalium, or decem virorum litibus judicandis. In Accius, however, we meet with Video sepulchra duo duorum corporum;