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"Madness does not come by breaking out, but by giving in; by settling down in some dirty, little, self-repeating circle of ideas; by being tamed. YOU went mad about money, because you're an heiress." "It's a lie," cried Rosamund furiously. "I never was mean about money." "You were worse," said Michael, in a low voice and yet violently. "You thought that other people were.

C. Third voice, or Mental Basso, low grumble of importunate self-repeating idea. A. White lace, three skirts, looped with flowers, wreath of apple-blossoms, gold bracelets, diamond pin and ear-rings, the most delicious berthe you ever saw, white satin slippers B. Deuse take her! What a fool she is! Hear her chatter! Came over in the "Mayflower" on the first old fool's face.

sends out a branch to root itself in our western world; a branch which our eyes have seen "rise, and spread, and droop, and root again," until in its self-repeating life it has crossed this continent, and is firmly rooted on our, then unknown, Pacific coast. And here I pause to-day.

Thus old age is as forgetful as youth, and more incorrigible; it displays the same inattentiveness to conditions; its memory becomes self-repeating and degenerates into an instinctive reaction, like a bird's chirp. Not all readaptation, however, is progress, for ideal identity must not be lost. The Latin language did not progress when it passed into Italian. It died.

To a certain extent the historical and critical tendencies so often noticed have here been unfortunate, inasmuch as they have diverted philosophical students from original writing or at least from writing as original as the somewhat narrow and self-repeating paths of philosophy admit to historical and critical exercises.

There is a sort of unending frieze or scroll of decorative designs unrolled ceaselessly before the British public, about a hen-pecked husband, which is indistinguishable to the eye from an actual self-repeating pattern like that of the Greek Key, but which is imported as if it were as precious and irreplaceable as the Elgin Marbles.

B. Second part, or Mental Barytone, my running accompaniment. C. Third part, or Mental Basso, low grumble of an importunate self-repeating idea. A. White lace, three skirts, looped with flowers, wreath of apple-blossoms, gold bracelets, diamond pin and earrings, the most delicious berthe you ever saw, white satin slippers B. Deuse take her! What a fool she is! Hear her chatter!

I often accompanied F on his eel-fishing expeditions, but more for the sake of companionship than from any amusement I found in the sport. I may here confess frankly that I cannot understand anyone being an inveterate eel-fisher, for of all monotonous pursuits, it is the most self-repeating in its forms.

C. Third voice, or Mental Basso, low grumble of importunate self-repeating idea. A. White lace, three skirts, looped with flowers, wreath of apple-blossoms, gold bracelets, diamond pin and ear-rings, the most delicious berthe you ever saw, white satin slippers B. Deuse take her! What a fool she is! Hear her chatter! Came over in the "Mayflower" on the first old fool's face.