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I was deadly sick from the hour we left New York." "Well, you do look considerably reduced," said the second-comer. "Reduced! I've been on the verge of the grave. I haven't slept six hours for three weeks." This was said with great gravity. "Well, I've made the voyage for the last time." "The plague you have! You mean to locate here permanently?" "Oh it won't be so very permanent!"

"They'll all be certain to be there tonight." And the other asked: "And the raid'll be made ter-morrer?" The first-comer replied with a nod. At the next bridge the same thing occurred, and Shorty caught the words: "They've no idee. We'll ketch 'em clean offen their guard." "And the others'll come out?" asked the second-comer.

Where the face of the first-comer was pale, insignificant, and timid, that of the second-comer was ruddy, assertive, and bold. The only point in common with his predecessor was that he, too, swung at his side a monstrous rapier. The sight of this whimsical stranger was too much for Chavernay's self-restraint, and he burst into a hearty fit of laughter, which he made no effort to control.

He was younger than the other, looked like a farm-hand, was dressed partly in homespun, partly in "store-clothes," wore a weather-stained wool hat, and his sullen face terminated in a goatee. The first-comer looked him over an instant, and then said: "Were you out late last night?" "I was," replied the second-comer, scanning his interrogator. "Did you see a star?" "I did." "What star was it?"