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"Schunemunk is full of rattlers," Junior said. "Please don't hunt there any more then," I replied. "No, we'll go into the main Highlands to the east'ard next time."

"Then I'll bid you good-night at once, before I say something awfully stupid." Soon the old house was quiet. The wind had utterly ceased. I opened the door a moment, and looked on the white, still world without. The stars glittered frostily through the rifts in the clouds. Schunemunk Mountain was a shadow along the western horizon, and the eastern highlands banked up and blended with the clouds.

I don't intend havin' any neighbors around blamin' me for a fraud;" and that is all he would say about it. On we went, over hills and down dales, surrounded by scenery that seemed to me beautiful beyond all words, even in its wintry aspect. "What mountain is that standing off by itself?" I asked. "Schunemunk," he said.

He laughed and, with Junior, started for the village, to get their powder and shot. The next morning after preparing a good lot of cartridges before breakfast, the two boys started, and, having all day before them, took their lunches with the intention of exploring Schunemunk Mountain.

I was told that there are rattle-snakes on Schunemunk, but greater dangers for Winnie and Merton lurk in this street yes, in this very house;" and I exulted over the thought that we were about to bid Melissa Daggett a final good-by. "Oh, I know. I'm glad; but then " "But then a woman's heart takes root in any place where she has loved and suffered.