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Updated: August 24, 2024
There's an edge to his smile that cuts much like a sneer. "Sandoe's poems! You know the couplet, Mr. Rady. Why shouldn't I quote Sandoe? You know you like him, Rady. But, if you've missed me, I'm sorry. Rip and I have had a beautiful day. We've made new acquaintances. We've seen the world. I'm the monkey that has seen the world, and I'm going to tell you all about it.
Beauty's dog is affected by the eye-glass in a manner not unlike the common animal's terror of the human eye. Richard appeared to hear nothing, or it was homage that he heard. He repeated to Lucy Diaper Sandoe's verses "The cockneys nod to each other aside, The coxcombs lift their glasses," and projected hiring a horse for her to ride every day in the park, and shine among the highest.
Poetry's a Base-metal maid. I'm not sure that any writing's good for the digestion. I'm afraid it has spoilt mine." "Fear nothing, uncle!" laughed Richard. "You shall ride in the park with me every day to get an appetite. You and I and the Golden Bride. You know that little poem of Sandoe's?
Beauty's dog is affected by the eye-glass in a manner not unlike the common animal's terror of the human eye. Richard appeared to hear nothing, or it was homage that he heard. He repeated to Lucy Diaper Sandoe's verses "The cockneys nod to each other aside, The coxcombs lift their glasses," and projected hiring a horse for her to ride every day in the park, and shine among the highest.
"My parson Brawnley, as you call him, has answered it," said Austin, "not by hoping his best, which would probably leave the Age to go mad to your satisfaction, but by doing it. And he has and will answer your Diaper Sandoe in better verse, as he confutes him in a better life." "You don't see Sandoe's depth," Adrian replied.
There's an edge to his smile that cuts much like a sneer. "Sandoe's poems! You know the couplet, Mr. Rady. Why shouldn't I quote Sandoe? You know you like him, Rady. But, if you've missed me, I'm sorry. Rip and I have had a beautiful day. We've made new acquaintances. We've seen the world. I'm the monkey that has seen the world, and I'm going to tell you all about it.
"My parson Brawnley, as you call him, has answered it," said Austin, "not by hoping his best, which would probably leave the Age to go mad to your satisfaction, but by doing it. And he has and will answer your Diaper Sandoe in better verse, as he confutes him in a better life." "You don't see Sandoe's depth," Adrian replied.
Poetry's a Base-metal maid. I'm not sure that any writing's good for the digestion. I'm afraid it has spoilt mine." "Fear nothing, uncle!" laughed Richard. "You shall ride in the park with me every day to get an appetite. You and I and the Golden Bride. You know that little poem of Sandoe's?
There was Tom Bakewell to watch over Lucy: there was work for him to do. Whether it would please his father he did not stop to consider. As to the justice of the act, let us say nothing. On Ripton devolved the humbler task of grubbing for Sandoe's place of residence; and as he was unacquainted with the name by which the poet now went in private, his endeavours were not immediately successful.
There was Tom Bakewell to watch over Lucy: there was work for him to do. Whether it would please his father he did not stop to consider. As to the justice of the act, let us say nothing. On Ripton devolved the humbler task of grubbing for Sandoe's place of residence; and as he was unacquainted with the name by which the poet now went in private, his endeavours were not immediately successful.
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