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Sariamo said if he were not afraid for Syde bin Habib's goods, he would make a stand against Mpwéto; but I had no wish to stay or to quarrel with a worthless chief, and resolved to go next day. We slept again at our half-way village, Kapemba, just as a party of salt-traders from Rua came into it: they were tall, well-made men, and rather dark. 25th March, 1868.

Lupin had married an heiress in wooden shoes and blue woollen stockings, the only daughter of a salt-dealer, who made his money during the Revolution, a period when contraband salt-traders made enormous profits by reason of the reaction that set in against the gabelle.

The small well-rounded features of the people of Nsama's country are common here, as we observe in the salt-traders and villages; indeed, this is the home of the Negro, and the features such as we see in pictures of ancient Egyptians, as first pointed out by Mr. Winwood Reade. We sleep by the river Mandapala, 12 yards wide, and knee deep. 18th November, 1867.

I have seen it to be almost universal in some villages of Bhoteeas, where the head-strap alone is used in carrying in both summer and winter crops; as also amongst the salt-traders, or rather those families who carry the salt from the passes to the Nepalese villages, and who very frequently have no shoulder-straps, but invariably head-bands.

Leave Yoksun for Kinchinjunga Ascend Ratong valley Salt-smuggling over Ratong Landslips Plants Buckeem Blocks of gneiss Mon Lepcha View Weather View from Gubroo Kinchinjunga, tops of Pundim cliff Nursing Vegetation of Himalaya Coup d'oeil of Jongri Route to Yalloong Arduous route of salt-traders from Tibet Kinchin, ascent of Lichens Surfaces sculptured by snow and ice Weather at Jongri Snow Shades for eyes.

Flies abound, and are very troublesome; they seem to be attracted by the great numbers of fish caught. The people here are Babemba, but beyond the river Kalongosi they are all Balunda. A trade in salt is carried on from different salt springs and salt mud to Lunda and elsewhere. We meet parties of salt-traders daily, and they return our salutations very cordially, rubbing earth on the arms.