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"They left a pie-anno and a foldin'-bed, and a automobile and a safety-razor!" said the landlord, looking reproachfully at his big wife, who was motioning him out to his labors again. "Or any word for Dr. Slavens?" the stranger pursued with well-contained patience. "What do you want to know for?" asked the woman, turning upon him suddenly. "Because the grips belonged to me, madam; I am Dr.

"Nothing can do any good," she had said. "Let the thing take its course." It was the astounding callousness of the woman that told against her both with the judge and the jury. That shaving in the dining-room, the murdered man's body not yet cold! It must have been done with Hepworth's safety-razor.

Clytie suffered from earache, and couldn't motor without a veil; as for Venus, it's giving her the vote that's forced a moustache; she's sent for a safety-razor, but it hasn't arrived yet." More girls had come in during Diana's explanation, and they wandered round the room in explosions of laughter. "Why has Perseus got a turban on?" demanded Tattie.

Once, indeed, I but this is getting too personal: I was simply about to say that it is possible to purchase a twenty-five cent safety-razor, returnable if unsatisfactory, and find the place of sale vanished before you can get back to it. But between inventions in safety-razors, the extraordinary-safety shaver is likely to revert to first principles and the naked steel of his ancestors.

Furiously he snatched up his tube of shaving-cream, furiously he lathered, with a belligerent slapping of the unctuous brush, furiously he raked his plump cheeks with a safety-razor. It pulled. The blade was dull. He said, "Damn oh oh damn it!"