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Then, with that directness and grace which were characteristic of him, the Deacon solemnly said: "George, what is to be the sinner's doom?" "I dunno," replied George, his wrath still warm; "'pears to me you've left that bizness till pretty late in life, Deac'n!" "Don't trifle with sacrid subjec's, George," said the Deacon, still very solemn, and with a suspicion of annoyance in his voice.

Private Dairy," and on the first page was this warning in the same painstaking, heavily shaded chirography, "This book is sacrid, and not be trespased in or read one word of. By order of owner. It was the private diary and Gwendolyn, the rabbit doll, and a small blue china shepherdess given her by Albertina, that constituted Eleanor's lares et penates.

Spook, or whatever your name is, this is rubbing it in, to try to collect as much money as that, particularly from me, who wasn't to blame in any way, and on whom you haven't the spook of a claim." "H'I'm very sorry for you, Mr. Terwilliger," said the ghost. "But my vow must be kept sacrid." "But why don't you come down on the Bangletops up in London, and squeeze it out of them?" "H'I carn't.

Whose steps many hundreds following sithins haue made themselues men of good esteeme, and fit for the seruice of her sacrid maiestie.

"'All my people are backward with their rents: for heaven's sake, my dear fellow, lend me five hundred and oblige "'Yours, very gratefully, Bareacres may press me about the Depity Leftnant; but I'M for the cavvlery." "Jewly will always be a sacrid anniwussary with me. It was in that month that I became persnally ecquaintid with my Prins and my gracious Sovarink.