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"About the time the 10-gauge comes over to the Colonel, with the compliments of the Wells-Fargo Express, an' twenty shells holdin' twenty-one buck-shot to the shell, Doc Peets himse'f comes sa'nterin' into the sanctum. "'You-all ought never to have printed it, Colonel, says Peets; 'I'm plumb chagrined over that exposure of Huggins.

'Well, it's comin'. Ye see, I was wearin' these clo's, and the goggles, as I call 'em, when I went sa'nterin' past that house; but I hadn't got to it, nor even to the s'loon yet, when a cab one of them two-wheeled things, you know, with the man settin' up behind to drive. I nodded.

"It's the third day after Black Dog's war-dance, an' Bill, all paint an' blankets an' feathers, is sa'nterin' about Pawhusky, takin' life easy an' Injun fashion. It's then the agent connects with Bill an' sizes him up. The agent asks Bill does he stand in on this yere Black Dog war-dance.

Them eighteen deer thar's nineteen, but I c'llects one, as I says comes sa'nterin' down my canyon while I'm asleep, an' goes out an' gets stuck in the snow. I allows mebby they dresses about sixty pounds each, an' wallers after 'em with my knife an' kills six.

As he says this he's sa'nterin' about the suburbs of the crowd, listenin' to the talk. "'Well, don't do it no more, partner, says Jack, mighty grave. 'As a commoonity Wolfville's no doubt 'way wrong, but we-alls has our prides an' our own pecooliar little notions, that a-way, about what looks good; so, after now, don't alter the landscape none 'round yere till you c'lects our views.

Jest at that minute the door opened, and Abner kem sa'nterin' in, mild and moony as usual 'Sary, says he, ho! ho! ho! it makes me laugh to think on't, 'Sary, says he, 'I wouldn't buy no more baskets without handles, ef I was you. They ain't convenient to kerry, says he. And with that he sets down on the table that Fan Chong bunnit!