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Updated: September 21, 2024
"If only the rum-kegs had been saved," said one of the men, when they assembled, after searching the island, to discuss their prospects, "we might, at least, have led a merry life while it lasted." "Humph! Much good that would do you when you came to think over it in the next world," said Grummidge contemptuously. "I don't believe in the next world," returned the first speaker gruffly.
There was the dray-load all turned over, and two cases prized open. I bet that the rum-kegs and spirits that couldn't be carried off, are buried in some handy dry water-hole close by. I saw two or three empty brandy bottles with the heads of 'em smashed to show that the rascals had wet the wool before starting off. McKeith cursed in his throat. 'No sign of my men?
A clear spring furnished them with water, and ships' buckets washed ashore enabled them to convey the same to their encampment. Fortunately, no rum-kegs had been found, so that evil passions were not stirred up, and, on the whole, the first night on the island was spent in a fair degree of harmony considering the character of the men.
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