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At length the police interfered, the stench became intolerable in the neighbourhood, as the hovel was by the roadside. The doctor was ordered to remove, and he went no one seems to know whither. In Charles the First's time there were men living in the caves and dens of the ravines about Lydford in South Devon. They had a king over them named Richard Rowle, and they went by the name of the Gubbins.

And near hereto's the Gubbins' cave; A people that no knowledge have Of law, of God, or men; Whom Caesar never yet subdued, Who've lawless liv'd; of manners rude; All savage in their den. By whom, if any pass that way, He dares not the least time to stay, For presently they howl; Upon which signal they do muster Their naked forces in a cluster Led forth by Roger Rowle."

I mean early to-morrow; and let your messenger ask if there be an answer. How far is it off? 'A little over twelve miles, sir; but I've a mare in the stable will "rowle" ye over in an hour and a quarter. 'All right. We'll settle on everything after breakfast to-morrow. And the landlord withdrew, leaving them once more alone.

Not, indeed, that he had made any remarkable progress, for the 'mare that was to rowle his honour over in an hour and a quarter, had to be taken from the field where she had been ploughing since daybreak, while 'the boy' that should drive her, was a little old man who had to be aroused from a condition of drunkenness in a hayloft, and installed in his office.

An ecclesiastical judge in Durham city made this decree in 1580: "Dominus ... decrevit scribendum fore Aldermanno ... to whip and cart the said Rowle and Tuggell in all open places within the city of Durham, for that they faled in their purgacion, and therefore convicted of the crime detected." Barnes' Eccles. Proc., 126.