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If you wish to learn that a great number of years ago a vast quantity of inconsequent events occurred, or that in an otherwise amusing enough world there are here and there collected so many roomfuls of cheerless articles, I can strongly recommend a visit to the Tower of London or the British Museum.” “In mine own gontry,” said the Baron, thoughtfully, “I can lairn zo moch.”

I leave a whole roomful of lethal weapons, to descend three steps into six roomfuls of books each 'the precious life-blood of a master-spirit' for as yet in my eyes all books were worthy! Which did I love best? Old swords or old books? I could not tell! I had only the grace to know which I ought to love best.

"What proportion, do you suppose," she went on, "of all these roomfuls of people behind us without saying anything uncharitable what proportion of them, if compelled to amuse themselves for two hours at a bookcase, would pitch upon Macaulay's Essays, or anything like them, to spend the time?"

"What proportion do you suppose," she went on, "of all these roomfuls of people behind us, without saying anything uncharitable, what proportion of them, if compelled to amuse themselves for two hours at a bookcase, would pitch upon Macaulay's Essays, or anything like them, to spend the time?"

After pushing through two or three roomfuls of tall people, he finally reached the desired threshold. He felt a hand upon his arm and found Prochnow beside him. They both saw the same sight together.

Such a quantity of things once taught entirely at home are now taught partly at school. It is the fashion, I know, to deplore this. "How dreadful it is," we hear many a person exclaim, "that things that used to be told a child alone at its mother's knee are now told whole roomfuls of children together in school!"