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The noyse in it is like that of Bees, in strange hummings, or buzze, mixt of walking, tongues, and feet; it is a kind of still roare, or loud whisper. "I am glad to be able to say, however," she continued, "that before that dreadful period, there was a time when the cathedral was not so dishonored.

When he described the dreadful power of holy water and frankincense and the book of exorcisms "to scald, broyle and sizzle the devil," or "the dreadful power of the crosse and sacrament of the altar to torment the devill and to make him roare," or "the astonishable power of nicknames, reliques and asses ears," he revealed a faculty of fun-making just short of effective humor.

Those who came had been "such as wore black coats and could babble in a pulpet, and roare in a tavern, exact from their parishioners, and rather by their dissolutenesse destroy than feed their flocks." Now these "wolves in sheep's clothing" were by the assembly forced to depart the country and a better class of clergymen arrived.

Yes, when his Hands Nombre de Dios, Cartagena, Hispaniola, With Cuba and the rest of those faire Sisters, The mermaydes of those Seas, whose golden strings Give him his sweetest musicke, when they by Drake And his brave Ginges were ravishd; when these red apples Were gather'd and brought hither to be payrd Then the Castilian Lyon began to roare. Had he not cause, being vexd soe?

'Cast me upon some naked shore, Where I may tracke Only the print of some sad wracke, If thou be there, though the seas roare, I shall no gentler calm implore. HABINGTON. He was gone. The house was shut up for the evening. No more deep blue skies or crimson and amber tints.