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Even the historian of art, who grows indignant over the extinction of the historic sense in that age, over the vandalism with which an arrogant lack of understanding destroyed the monuments of the Middle Ages even he must, at the same time, admire the self consciousness which speaks in this vandalism, the defiant belief in the wisdom of their own age, which boldly remolded everything to suit their own taste because they were finally persuaded that this taste was the only true one.

The effect on the relations of different social groups throughout the world will be so far-reaching that possibly the democracy and socialism of the nineteenth century may look like remote historic phenomena, such as the Athenian tribal system or mediaeval feudalism. Thus our whole social philosophy will have to be remolded.

The King's English stared down at her. "How are you?" he said coldly. "I'm awful uncomfortable," was the mournful answer. "Then take off your stays," he advised. Whereat the polished tongue glanced through the light, caught Jane fairly around the waist, and with a swift recoil brought her to her feet! And now Gwendolyn, astonished, saw that too much laughter had again remolded that sateen bulk.

Here was only a symptom; the disease went deeper. For six generations one Bonbright Foote after another had been born true to tradition's form the seventh generation had gone askew! It must be set right, remolded. "Let me point out to you," said he, "that you are here only because you are my son and the descendant of our forefathers.

To be brief, when the hour of slavery and love was at hand, Anseau remolded all of his gold into a royal crown, in which he fixed all his pearls and diamonds, and went secretly to the queen, and gave it to her, saying, "Madame, I know not how to dispose of my fortune, which you here behold.