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Then, after Ramoni had been silent long moments, he spoke. "You did not pray, my son?" "Pray?" Ramoni's laughter rasped. "How can I pray? My life is ruined. I am ashamed even to meet my brethren in the chapel." "And yet, it is God one meets in the chapel," the old man said. "God, and God alone; even if there be a thousand present." "God?" flung back the missionary. "What has He done to me?

The old man groped his way to a chair. Ramoni watched him with glowering rage. When Father Denfili turned his sightless eyes upon him he did not flinch. "You are disappointed, my son?" the old man asked with a gentleness that Ramoni could not apprehend, "and you can not sleep?" Ramoni's anger swept the question aside.

Father Tomasso, crossing the path with the novice, suddenly saw a strange look of pain on the old priest's face, and started toward him just as the gate to the cloister garden swung back, revealing a picture that held him waiting. Four men a great Roman prelate, the General of San Ambrogio, Father Ramoni and Father Pietro, Ramoni's secretary were coming into the garden.

Ramoni's secretary, a thin, serious-visaged priest of about the same age as his Superior, with bald head and timid, shrinking eyes, took with the greatest deference the cloak and hat Father Ramoni handed to him. Then he fell back of the old General. The prelate answered Ramoni. "But you are right, of course," he admitted. "It is best that you return. The Church needs you there now.

He had no time to loiter in the garden, and the story of the conversion of the people of Marqua was left to the quiet Fr. Pietro, who told the splendid tales of his Superior's great work, till Father Tomasso and Brother Luigi prayed to be given the opportunity to be Ramoni's servants in the far-away land of the western world.

But I knew that he did not want to go from Rome; though, being a good religious, he obeyed. Now, see what has happened. He has converted over one-third of that people, and the rest are only waiting for missionaries." "And the work is all Father Ramoni's?" the novice asked. "All."