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This gate he opened half-way, standing in the aperture and looking up sullenly as the Roumis came down the narrow, slippery track which led to it. "Cebah el-kheir, ia Sidi Good day, sir," said Nevill, agreeably, in his best Arabic. "Ta' rafi el-a' riya? Do you speak Arabic?" The young man bowed, not yet conciliated. "Ach men sebba jit lhena, ia Sidi?

In this hazardous enterprise his success was beyond all expectation, for he threw Jabalah's Arabs into disorder and killed a great many, losing very few of his own men on the field, besides five prisoners, three of whom were Yezid Ebn Abu Sofian, Rafi Ebn Omeira, and Derar Ebn Al Alzwar, all men of great note.

Off we went, through the village and across the stream by a rickety bridge, then down the left bank for about a mile, when we came to a small hamlet, I forget its name, and here I fell out and paid a visit to the house of Mahomed Rafi, the Hakim of the Laspur district.

There was nothing much more that we could find in our hasty search, but I picked up an empty spectacle-case, astonished at finding it in such a place, as Mahomed Rafi never wore spectacles in his life. I showed it to Colonel Kelly, who promptly annexed it, as he was in want of one, having mislaid his own. Shah Mirza also collared a fowl, which no doubt formed his next meal.

Hayward takes one long look on all this loveliness, and turns towards his executioners men say that even they hesitated. Mahomed Rafi, who was supposed to have actually killed Hayward, was now Hakim of Laspur, and, as I have said, had joined the enemy.