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Assur-nirari, the last of the old dynasty, died or was put to death, and Pulu or Pul, one of his generals, was proclaimed king on the 13th of Iyyar or April under the name of Tiglath-pileser III. Tiglath-pileser III. was the founder of the Second Assyrian empire, which was based on a wholly different principle from that of the first. Occupation and not plunder was the object of its wars.

'I wish Schwartzkoff had kept you up in Apia, you murderous, yellow-hided scoundrel! 'What's the use of bully-ragging him? remarked the plantation engineer, with a sarcastic laugh; 'he doesn't understand a word you say. Hallo, look at that! Why, he's kissing Pulu's toe! * Whip. Burton laughed. 'So he is. 'Take care he doesn't bite it off. Pulu shook his mop of yellow hair gravely.

For his heart was leaping within him at the thought of Onêata, and of those who numbered him with the dead; and when he clambered up the ship's side and saw Pulu, the big Samoan, working on deck with the other native sailors, he flung his arms around him and gave him a mighty hug, and laughed like a pleased child when Von Hammer told him that Pulu would be his shipmate till he saw the green land and white beach of Onêata once more.

After he died the house fell into decay, but the tree was fixed on as representing the departed king, and out of respect for his memory it was made the substitute of a living and royal protector. It was called "O le asi pulu tangata," the asi tree the refuge of men. This reminds me of what I once heard from a native of another island.