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Yez had orter see the illigant boned turkey she made out o' veal, stuck through with shrivelled black ground apples, she called 'puffles'! an glued it up foine wid jelly. Sez I, 'They'll never know the difference, but off she goes and lets it out and tells the makin' uv it ter every woman on the hill, that's all I hev agin her.

Lookers-on found the spectacle of a helpless elephant struggling in mid-air excessively amusing, and the immediate neighbourhood of the ship was crowded. Here were the Pomeroys, Maitlands, Morgans, Puffles, Mrs. Gregory, Miss Leigh, and numbers of others, including Shafto, who, much interested in this novel sight, had taken several snapshots.

"Dear me," said Kittie, handing over the snowy starched heap. "You have six white skirts, Olive, and three of them trimmed. I'd feel terribly fixed up, and lady-like with so many." "Pooh! some girls have six dozen, with tucks, and ruffles and puffles on every blessed one of them," said Kat, making the starched cloth rattle with her vigorous folding.

'Be simple, was his advice as if an amateur can be simple." Edith, in the act of writing an editorial, smiled enigmatically. "It's about as hard as getting a cheap dressmaker to make simple clothes," she said. "Amateurs always want to put in ruffles and puffles." The two girls were seated at the editorial desk.

That rose-colored sheet will do; the one crossed over four times." But Sibyl quietly secured her correspondence, and went on with her reading. "Does she tell you what she wore at the last ball, dear? Was it blue, with rose ruffles, or pink with green puffles," continued Hugh. Sibyl smiled; her temper was never disturbed by her brother's banter.

"Miss Thoroughbung would be a little out of place at Buston Hall. Now, as to Miss Puffle " "Miss Puffle is a lady, or was." "No doubt, sir. The Puffles is not quite equal to the Prospers, as I can hear. But the Puffles is ladies and gentlemen. The servants below all give it up to them that they're real gentlefolk. But " "Well?" "She demeaned herself terribly with young Tazlehurst.