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"Pronta!" called Assunta, who was putting the finishing touches on saddle and luncheon basket. "If the Signorina means to climb the Monte Altiera she must start before the sun is high." On the hillside above Daphne heard, but her feet strayed only more slowly. She was wandering with a face like that of a sky across which thin clouds scud, in the grass about Hermes' grave.

But you were naughty with the gramophone over those musical chairs unmusical chairs, as I said to Peppino, didn't I, caro? taking it off and putting it on again so suddenly. Each time I thought it was the end. E pronta la colazione. Andiamo." Presently they were seated; the menu, an unusual thing in itself at luncheon, was written in Italian, the scribe being clearly Lucia.

In the afternoon strolled down to the river with my father and Dall. We took boat and rowed toward the cliffs. I choked a little at this, but presently found voice to say, "Ebben son pronta;" but he replied, "No, that he should go alone." That you never should, my own dear father!... But I do hate the very thought of America.

DON EDUARDO. Digo, Matilde, que es usted una hembra extraordinaria ... una verdadera heroína de novela ... y arrojándome a sus pies protesto. BRUNO. Que el amo bosteza. DOÑA MATILDE. Bueno; entonces ya me tendrá usted también pronta. DON EDUARDO. No olvide usted la seña, tres palmadas mías.