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"Do not you meddle with God's ordering of the future!" cried Pare. "Honest men can have but one motto: Fais ce que dois, advienne que pourra! do thy duty, come what will.

Fais ce que tu dois: Advienne que pourra, is the expression of this faith that is in humanity, and I cannot conceive how any ethical philosopher can venture to contest its truth, no matter what his test of morality may speculatively be. And, now, we may point out what we conceive to be the significance, the implication of the facts just set forth.

'J'en offre ici toute mes excuses aux spectateurs intelligents, he says in a note to one of the plays; 'esperons qu'un jour un seigneur venitien pourra dire tout bonnement sans peril son blason sur le theatre. C'est un progres qui viendra. And, though the description of the crest is not couched in accurate language, still the crest itself was accurately right.

Jest, quip and lively saying shortened his route to the doorway of the Circuit Court, and he insisted on Chrysler's passing to his quarters upstairs. The court-room was stocked with dusty benches and tables, on and about which a small but noisy company were postured. One reckless fellow swinging an ale-mug was singing: "Tant qu'on le pourra, larirette, On se damnera, larir