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I believe in Him and hope!...Augustine has suffered much, but she has had great courage and a true feeling of her dignity; and her health, thank God, has not suffered. The next quotation is from the letter dated Nohant, December 14, 1847. Desirez is the wife of Charles Poncy, to whom the letter is addressed.

He retired to the St. John river about the year 1736 and settled near the mouth of Belleisle Bay. Francoise Belleisle, who had the honor of being a correspondent of Lieut.-Governor Mascarene, married Pierre Robichaux. The wedding took place at Annapolis Royal, January 16, 1737, the officiating priest being St. Poncy de Lavennede.

Madame Sand to Mazzini; Nohant, May 22, 1847: I have just married and, I believe, well married my daughter to an artist of powerful inspiration and will. I had for her but one ambition namely, that she should love and be loved; my wish is realised. The future is in the hand of God, but I believe in the duration of this love and this union. Madame Sand to Charles Poncy; Nohant, August 9, 1847:

This pronouncement cleared the air; the disagreements with the missionaries were soon adjusted; and one of them, St Poncy, after being warned to cultivate the goodwill of the governor, was permitted to resume his pastoral duties at Annapolis Royal.

Before I draw my conclusions from the evidence I have collected, I must find room for some extracts from two letters, respectively written on August 9, 1847, and December 14,1847, to Charles Poncy. The contents of these extracts will to a great extent be a mystery to the reader, a mystery to which I cannot furnish the key. Was Solange the chief subject of George Sand's lamentations?

She writes to her poet-protégé M. Poncy, in September, 1845:

Série, iv. p. 30. Ch. A. de Nore, Coutumes, Mythes et Traditions des Provinces de France p. 127. Aubin-Louis Millin, op. cit. iii. 28. As to the custom at Toulon, see Poncy, quoted by Breuil, Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires de Picardie, viii. p. 190 note.