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A few of the interesting cases will be cited in the following lines: In the New England Medical Journal, 1843, is an account of a vermiform appendix which was taken from the body of a man of eighty-eight who had died of pneumothorax.

In tuberculosis he found that the effect of altitude was not great. He does not believe that this amount of altitude, namely, a little more than 6,000 feet, makes much difference in an ordinary tuberculous patient. He did not find that artificial pneumothorax made any important change in the blood pressure. Int.

In such cases the opening may be large enough to allow a great part of the visceral constituents to pass into the thorax, sometimes seriously interfering with respiration and circulation by the pressure which ensues. Alderson reports a fatal case of diaphragmatic hernia with symptoms of pneumothorax. The stomach, spleen, omentum, and transverse colon were found lying in the left pleura.

Notwithstanding subsequent pneumothorax and extensive pleuritic effusion, the patient made a good recovery at the end of the fourth week and at the time of report it was still uncertain whether the needle remained in the heart or had wandered into the mediastinum.

6. =Of the Chest.= Incised wounds of the walls are not of necessity dangerous; but severe blows, by causing fracture of the bones and internal injuries, are often fatal. The symptoms of penetrating wounds of the chest are The passage of blood and air through the wound; hæmoptysis; pneumothorax; and protrusion of the lung forming a tumour covered with pleura.

The mechanism of this rare and fatal form of injury has been very aptly described by Gosselin as due to a sudden pressure exerted on the thoracic wall at the moment of full inspiration, there being a spasm of the glottis or obstruction of the larynx, in consequence of which the lung bursts. An extravasation of air occurs, resulting in the development of emphysema, pneumothorax, etc.