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Also, Napoleon caused it to be known that he would look with disfavor upon all who continued to frequent the salon of the countess; the result of this procedure was that of those who had formerly thronged her doors but two faithful ones remained Hippolyte Pindemonte and Carlo Rosmini, both staunch patriots and men of ability.

Kind, friendly, lovely Venetians! who appear to feel real fondness for the inhabitants of Great Britain, while Cavalier Pindemonte writes such verses in its praise. Yet must the journey go forward, no staying to pick every flower upon the road.

His work on "Crimes and Punishments" was a bill of accusation of all the laws of his native country. Parini Monte, Cesarotti, Pindemonte, Ugo Foscolo gay, serious, and heroic poets, then satirised the absurdities of their tyrants, the baseness of their fellow-countrymen, or sang, in patriotic odes, the virtues of their ancestors, and the approaching deliverance of their country.

"Thy mirror! to inform Thee, if the dark and arrowy storm The forest boughs that brake, Require thy slender silvery hand, to still Thy ruffled wreath of lily and jonquil!" Pindemonte. Whew! wind gets up, and takes part with wave, and all against us never mind!

But the translation of the Iliad by Monti, that of the Odyssey by Pindemonte, for their purity of language and beauty of style, may be considered as epic additions to Italian literature. This poem, which describes the beautiful productions of nature in the Museum of Pavia, is considered a masterpiece of didactic poetry.

"How happy we shall be," resumed he, a little embarrassed, "to be present at such a representation!" The name of Pindemonte is also rendered illustrious by Hippolito Pindemonte, one of the sweetest and most charming of the present Italian poets.