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"Thou knowest, forsooth, that I don't take photygraphs at night marry, no!" "Are you, then, the new limner who makes pictures by aid of the box and glass?" "Yea that's what I am," said Droop. "I was ignorant of the location of your dwelling. Indeed, it is pure accident a trick of Fortune that hath brought me to your door to-night."

"No,'tis no aisy job bein' a candydate, an' 'twud be no easy job if th' game iv photygraphs was th' on'y wan th' candydates had to play. Willum Jennings Bryan is photygraphed smilin' back at his smilin' corn fields, in a pair iv blue overalls with a scythe in his hand borrid fr'm th' company that's playin' 'Th' Ol' Homestead, at th' Lincoln Gran' Opry House.

"And the smartest, most up-to-date place. Talk about the West bein' oncivilized! My land! you ought to see that town! Electric lights, and telephones, and and I don't know what all! Why, Miss What's-your-name Miss Dorcas, marm, you just ought to see the photygraphs I've got that was took out there. My niece, she took 'em with one of them little mites of cameras.

You wouldn't believe such a little box of a thing could take such photygraphs. I'm goin' to get 'em and show 'em to you. No, sir! you ain't got to go, neither. Set right still and let me fetch them photygraphs. 'Twon't be a mite of trouble. I'd love to do it." Protests were unavailing.